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Every year, Corvette owners across the country celebrate National Drive Your Corvette To Work Day! The goal of National Drive Your Corvette to Work Day is to see as many Corvettes on the road as possible, transforming the typical work commute into a rolling tribute to the Corvette's legacy.


National Drive Your Corvette To Work Day is held on the closest Friday to June 30th every year. For 2024, National Drive Your Corvette To Work Day is on the 28th of June. But why is this annual celebration centered around the 30th of June? It is becasue June 30th is the official birthday of the Corvette as the first Corvette rolled off the Flint, Michigan assembly line on June 30, 1953. 


This annual event began in 2001 when the Founder of Mid America Motorworks, Mike Yager, recognized that many owners consider their Corvette to be a special car to only be driven occasionally. Yager wanted to change this by setting aside one day in which to encourage owners to get their Corvette out on the road to demonstrate how popular the model is. 



The event not only celebrates the Corvette's birthday but also fosters camaraderie among Corvette owners. It's a unique opportunity for Corvette enthusiasts to meet, share stories, and showcase their beloved vehicles, whether they're classic models or the latest editions​. Even if you're retired, you're encouraged to join the celebration! Take your Corvette out for to visit one of our four showrooms, to the bank, or for a recreational cruise to enjoy seeing the additional Corvettes on the road. Regardless why you take your Corvette out on the 28th, make sure to wave to the other Corvette owners you pass!


Out of all the amazing vehicles we get the opportunity to sell, the number one most sold model for us is the Chevrolet Corvette. If you're looking to sell your Corvette, we have the experience to get you top dollar for your example!